Friday, July 9, 2010

friday fanfare

I'm a big fan of Star Wars and Norman Rockwell...and found out today that Geoge Lucas is also a fan of Mr. Rockwell...Pretty cool...but what does that have to do with anything about working out...not much really, just thought it was neat.

After gassing up The Wife's truck today, I went inside to pay and low and behold the mother of all convenience store displays was there... fresh Krispy Kreme donuts...I merely glanced at it, and paid for my gas and left. It sounds so trivial, but I know this is a victory for me and for everyone who is trying to lose weight...go to the grocery store (by yourself) and resist the donut counter, resist the snickers bar, and just by your healthy food. Stay on target and May the Force be with you.

Perfect attendance so far at my workout bootcamp, btw.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on that Non-Scale Victory! Those are signs you're headed in the right direction! Me, however, I just ate a freaking Snickers. :)
