Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sunday Workday@ the shelter

Today, I got my workout by volunteering at the local humane society where my wife is the director. We worked on cleaning up the dog area...and threw a bone around with Sarge a lot...he loves playing fetch. Ate a McDonalds Southwest Salad, followed up with some Cantaloupe at my parents house.

The shelter is actually a former school, so today,we also took down one of the old SLATE chalk boards (without breaking it) and painted behind it. We don't know what we are doing with the chalk boards yet.. We have some big events coming up at the shelter that I'm pretty excited about...but not near as excited as I am about getting health!

Last night I ended up buying part of my groceries for the week (peas, oatmeal, and tuna). I still have to buy some veggie burgers and bread...and will hopefully do that tomorrow.

I forgot...started off this morning changing a flat tire...there was a giant nail in, we took that to the shop to get repaired...

A very disjointed post today...sorry about that. Have a great day tomorrow....I know I will...bootcamp and continuing the c25k(I got a pair of New Balance running shoes that I'm looking forward to trying out tomorrow!)

Friday, July 9, 2010


One of our favorite shows premiered tonight. We enjoy the writing and the actors...My Eureka moment came when I saw 120 people finish a Triathlon Sprint, then a month later, saw 180 people compete in a half iron triathlon. We (my wife and I) agreed to help pass out refreshments to the participants and as I saw them stream by, I realized I needed to get in gear and at least be healthier...hence the 5k by 8-21.

BootCamp is going well...had my 9th class a bit ago and we worked really hard...Monday is #10 and I am looking forward to it. This weekend, I plan to at least spend an hour on the bike and an hour walking. Before bootcamp, I worked on the cto5k and that went well too. I was worried about doing it before bootcamp, but it worked out well enough.

I'll try to load some pictures tomorrow of me and some of our wife is the director of a local no kill animal shelter and it keeps us really can see some of the pets available at

friday fanfare

I'm a big fan of Star Wars and Norman Rockwell...and found out today that Geoge Lucas is also a fan of Mr. Rockwell...Pretty cool...but what does that have to do with anything about working out...not much really, just thought it was neat.

After gassing up The Wife's truck today, I went inside to pay and low and behold the mother of all convenience store displays was there... fresh Krispy Kreme donuts...I merely glanced at it, and paid for my gas and left. It sounds so trivial, but I know this is a victory for me and for everyone who is trying to lose weight...go to the grocery store (by yourself) and resist the donut counter, resist the snickers bar, and just by your healthy food. Stay on target and May the Force be with you.

Perfect attendance so far at my workout bootcamp, btw.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

down, what? 5 pounds!

Yea...Weighed in yesterday and was at 270! Down 5 pounds from last week, even through multiple brats and burgers over the holiday weekend...WOOT! I sweat so much last night in the bootcamp workout. I followed that up by 1/2 hour on the treadmill, then played 18 holes of disc golf with my cousin Josh who is up from Texas. It was a lot of fun and I'm going to buy a set of discs over lunch, I think!

Monday, July 5, 2010

4th Report

My activity wasn't where I would have hoped, but I did end up tossing the football around and learning some about frisbee golf. I'm going to try it this week. Tomorrow, I'm back to bootcamp and #5 C25k. It's going really well.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Independence Day!

Independence Day...a national holiday that provided our Freedom. If you have time, read the Declaration of Independence today...a good read and we should read it at least every 4th of July. There's a second Independence day, each dieter/life changer has, that's the day we decide to get fit and be healthy. I've had 2 of those, one was back in 1997 and the other was 2 weeks ago. The one 2 weeks ago will be my final Independence Day. I will not gain again, but will maintain a healthy lifestyle.

On to the C25K progress,it's going really well and I am on target to make the run on August 21st. That run is up by Champaign, Illinois, which isn't too far from where I am at.

Friday, July 2, 2010

C25K continues

I did training 4 today, after the bootcamp workout. The ab exercises were still hard, but hopefully will get better over the next 6 weeks. We had Joe Sippers for supper and split a grilled cheese, with a fruit smoothie. Then we went and bought another pair of jogging shorts...debated on buying some new running shoes, but didn't know anything about passed.

Staying on plan.

Another bootcamp workout last night and my legs are still burning! I think it's getting better. Had grilled chicken burrito afterwards...not a bad meal, but probably should have stuck with the grilled chicken salad. I ate 2 bananas before, just to help make me feel full. Also went grocery shopping before I ate and after the workout....small accomplishment, but I didn't' buy donuts or any sweets. Bootcamp again tonight!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

bootcamp on, legs burning

So...2nd night of bootcamp went fairly well. Seemed easier at first, but was burning at the end. I tried #4 of C25K, but failed legs were just killing me. I ended up walking several miles, instead. I'll try again tonight. Food went well yesterday, salads twice and healthy tacos to end the evening. This morning, I'm trying my hand at some Greek yogurt...hopefully it's good!